Your guide to the Diesel Engine

Your Guide To The Diesel Engine

In today’s article, we will be going into the specifications of the diesel engine. What makes diesel engines different from standard gasoline engines, and what role do they play in the current economy? It’s not privileged information to know that there are a great many industrial vehicles and equipment that use diesel engines, fuel and…

shell oils lubricants header

What Does The Color of Your Oil Mean?

Over time, the quality, consistency, and color tend to change on your oil-based lubricants this is because of many factors that directly “age” your oil. As a rule of thumb, color does not dictate the efficiency of oil. The color will change for a variety of reasons from heat, additives, and contaminants to something as…

the basics of octane ratings explained

Octane Ratings Explained

What Is Octane? Octane is a flammable hydrocarbon of the alkane series, obtained in petroleum refining. That’s a long way of saying a higher octane rating means a higher explosion point. That also means you want more of it for your combustible engine. Octane numbers tend to change as additives improve and the quality of oil refining increases. One way to track the type…

industry factory industrial plant metal

How to Store Your Lubricants Like a Pro

How to Properly Store Your Lubricants Maintaining the quality of your oils, greases, and other lubricants is important to the longevity of your vehicle or machine. What Happens to Lubes if They Aren’t Stored Correctly? Contaminates, Gelation and exposure will ruin any store of lubricants, so are you doing all you can to combat them?…

Padlock with keys

Beware of This Commonly Used Hacker Trick

How often do you find yourself using your debit card, your credit card, or any other form of plastic currency? Credit card companies are constantly renewing and improving their encryptions and safety measures in order to maintain your information’s safety; however, the less savory folk in our society are always developing new insidious ways to…